When you lose a spouse there is an acute feeling of loss that is indescribable. Lots of other losses are tragic but none are the same as the loss of a spouse. The grief that comes with that loss is hard to explain and even harder to imagine. In fact, I can say that from experience because for many years Ned and I lived as though he would die at age 56. After all his father and five generations of men before him had all died at age 56 of a condition that Ned was diagnosed with in his mid- twenties. We lived our lives as if we had a specific time period to experience living and loving each other and we lived it without regret or resentment. It was just the way it was. In that picture of the future I often tried to imagine what life would be like for me after he was gone. At the time I was sure I knew how things would go. Now I can tell you that this is nothing like what I thought it would be. Nothing at all. Now, Ned lived to be 68 so we had many more years than first exp...